Computer Workshops

I am really enjoying the computer workshops this year, I feel i've learnt a lot already. We have been using 'InDesign', 'Photoshop' and Premiere. I've been using Photoshop for a while, and I did a little bit of 'InDesign' in the first year, but Premiere was completely new to me. In about 4/5 weeks we have managed to create our first Video Diary on Premiere. It's very simple, but of course thats how you have to start out, but I'm very pleased with what we have learnt and done so far. I'm also very much enjoying the workshops on InDesign and Photoshop, furthering my knowledge of them both, and finding out new techniques.

Here are a couple of photos from the last two lessons we've had on Photoshop:

In this lesson we learnt about perspective and reflection, creating reflections off of the Lost Box and the bottle.

This piece isn't finished yet, but last lesson we started creating a splash of water. We used many different tools and effects while creating this such as the brush tool, filter gallery effects such as plastic wrap, the warp tool, and many more.
Although I have been using Photoshop for a while now,  I am finding the Photoshop Workshops very useful as I am finding out new ways of doing and creating things such as splashes of water and bubbles. Photoshop is very complex so there will always be something new to learn. 

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