3D Workshops Clay/Foam

Over the last few weeks we have been working with Clay, creating an alien for a young child. Today was our first lesson using foam. I have never been particularly confident with 3D work so i'm glad we are getting these workshops now. Hopefully at the end of it, i'll be more confident and would have produced some nice work using the Clay and Foam. I have really been enjoying these 3D lessons, and already feel a lot more confident and capable of using Clay. The foam is definitely a lot harder, takes a lot more preparation as once you have taken away the foam, you can't put it back, so takes a lot more thought and concentration, whereas with Clay you can easily add and remove, changing it all the time.

Here are some photos of my progression with the Clay and Foam:
Here is my alien design.

I'm really pleased with how my alien is coming along so far. Its definitely got a while to go before it's finished, but I'm happy with it so far, and its definitely coming out a lot better than how I imagined. 

Here are photos from the foam workshop today:

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