Beginning of Second Year of Uni

I have started back at uni for my second year, I  have been back a few weeks now, and have been quite busy with various projects. The main one that has going on at the moment is an Advertising brief which I'm finding very challenging, but I feel i've learnt quite a lot about it already in a short space of time. One of the things I have learnt is that it is not easy, and takes a lot of thought and time. 
A book from the library 'The Advertising Concept' Book helped a lot with this project, and helped with ideas, as it explains different strategies and ideas towards advertising, it explains what works, and which strategies are most effective for what type of product/audience. 

Here are a few of my ideas for a mixture of products i'm advertising for the advertising brief.

The two top ones are advertising Kleenex, which is a product I chose from the list we were given. 
I chose Kleenex because I know this is a very popular product which so many people use, and if they don't use it, they definitely know what it is. I saw lots of potential with ideas towards this product advert. The design on the top left is a very simple but effective idea; a smiling nose with the simple tagline 'Kleenex will make your nose smile' I was quite pleased with this idea, I think it works well as its clear, simple, with slight humour. I feel that this advert would appeal to everyone, it does not have one audience category as I feel even children would understand the idea. 

The one on the right is also a simple idea, and would possibly gain children's interest slightly more as it resembles a cartoon. The idea is simple; The packet of Kleenex tissues very happy and excited to see the nose, holding his arms out to give the nose a hug because he loves noses. Quite a cute and humorous idea, might not appeal to everyone, might be too childish for some, but still could work. 

The two bottom ones are for Bob Martins cat or dog flea powder which was a mandatory product. 
My strategy for these two were also cute and humorous. I went down this route as I feel this is what the public like, lighthearted and funny. 

The design on the left with a smiling happy cat:  The idea is basically a simple example of how your pet would feel after being treated from fleas. With the tagline 'Getting rid of pests brings out the best'. 

My design of the right, more humorous than the first, has a dog in the middle with lots of fleas running/flying away from the dog. This is meant to give the public the idea that bob martins will literally make the fleas run, and won't hang around any longer. 

I plan to work and improve on these ideas, by getting feedback from friends, family and my classmates. 
At the moment I am also working on two other products which are 'Swan Vestas matches, and Tipp-Ex. 

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