Looking for placements

I have started thinking about our module next year where we have to find ourselves a placement. I have done lots of research and have managed to find a couple of websites which are aimed at students and job/placement opportunities.

I have signed up to Student Jobs and YCN, both of which post regular opportunities.

From YCN I applied to a internship called 'Making pictures' which are premiere artists representation organisation specialising in commercial photography whilst supporting its artist’s personal practice and creative development. Their clientele includes advertising agencies, graphic design companies, music companies, fashion brands, and magazines.

I read through everything to make sure that I understood what I would be doing. I meet all of their requirements which are:

  • Basic working knowledge of Macintosh 
  • Photoshop & InDesign a must –basics are fine
  • Some writing skills
  • Understanding of social media, networking, interactive and online media
I applied to this internship by sending in my CV and a cover letter.

On the student jobs website I also found another opportunity, a graphic design intern in London.
The company is called 'The Guestlist Network', and it is a multi media platform aimed at 18-36 year olds. They run a monthly newspaper full of fashion, travel, festivals, film and a variety of sections for different music genres which include interviews with artists. 

They are currently looking for someone with a passion for design, who can work on their website, their newspaper layout, banners and their iPhone application.

I thought this opportunity sounded perfect for me as it's exactly the area I wish to go into and it sounds like it would give me great experience and knowledge within the area. I feel that this placement would also help with my confidence and communication skills.
I meet all the skills and requirements they ask for and if I managed to get this placement I would hopefully learn a lot more. 

I also applied for this by sending in a CV and cover letter. 

In addition to them I have emailed 'Reds magazine' applying for their internship in 2014 which lasts for a month and sounds perfect for me as at red's magazine you spend time with every department, sitting in on features meetings, contributing ideas, writing, researching and going on photo-shoots. You get to see how they choose the stories, design the pages, and produce the covers. 

This is exactly the kind of opportunity I need to help me achieve my career goal, and I would be so happy and amazed if I managed to do this internship or something similar.

I have also emailed three different magazine companies asking about work experience, including 'Women and Home magazine', 'Country Homes and interiors magazine' and 'good to know recipes magazine'.

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