The PDP module this year has made us go a lot more in depth about where we are going in life and how we're going to get there.
I'm finding the PDP module quite challenging, a lot more than last year as there is a lot more work we have to do, and a lot more we have to think about. Although its challenging i'm glad we are doing it as it has helped me with research and decisions that I need to start making. It has helped me put my thoughts down onto paper through the 'action plan' and 'community of practice' written pieces. I have a better understanding of my community of practice, and what I need to do to get where I want to be.
I have always been a bit lost when it comes to writing and designing a CV, but this module and the lectures we get every monday have helped with knowing what to include and what not to include in a CV and what employers will be most interested in. I have been working on my CV a lot recently and I feel a lot more confident with how it looks and what's on there compared to before.

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