The Big Sell Project.

'The big sell' Project - read and understand, and re-present a dull advertisement as a piece of high street billboard advertising. I chose this particular foot cradle advertisement to re-create as the original was especially dull, and I saw a lot of potential improvements that I could make. 

I firstly analysed the whole advertisement- deciding on the audience, certain aspects of the advertisement I want to keep/get rid of. Certain parts of information which don't need to be there etc.

After researching and looking into effective billboards, examples of bad billboards, certain things to bare in mind, and things to avoid when designing billboards, I came up with this design. I literally removed all text and information that wasn't necessary, and just kept titles, and important bits that would be likely to catch the viewers attention. I made the image, of the foot, the centre of attention, by making it bigger than everything else, and also putting it in the middle of the billboard. I did this because images are often what catches peoples attention, so unless the typography/text is very gripping, people will most likely ignore the billboard if there is nothing interesting to look at. And although a foot isn't particularly the most interesting thing to look at, the size that it is now, is an improvement to how it was originally on the advertisement, and it has has a clear message of where it is going to reduce the pain. If people don't understand the message or the meaning, they will lose interest, particularly on a billboard when people will only be seeing it for a fleeting minute.

After critique and discussion, I found that my billboard poster was still too busy, and filled up with text, and that I needed to reduce it.

This is my new and improved one, which is where I simply got rid of/summarised text, which I feel works a lot better, it's clear, and straight to the point, and your eyes won't be all over the place, unlike they would be with the last.

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