100 Drawings

We were given the task to pick a small interesting item of ours, and draw it in 100 different ways. This could vary between drawing it at different angles, using different mediums/materials. Considering perspective, scale, line, texture, etc.

When we first was given this project I was very excited and couldn't wait to get started as I thought there was so many different things I could experiment with, and it would really help stretch my imagination and think outside the box.

Here are a few examples of my 100 drawings.

Reflecting back on my work, I do feel that I could have spent a lot more time on the 100 drawings project, and could have been more experimental, and put more time into each drawing. I feel that I could have improved my time management, as I did start to run out of ideas and time towards the end.
But overall, I enjoyed this project and found it very beneficial as I know I will always be able to refer back to this project in the future if I am ever stuck for ideas.

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