The Necklace Project.

List of words to describe how she's feeling throughout the story, and which words I considered portraying.

My initial ideas for the photograph was to incorporate the necklace and madame Loisel as I thought that would best represent the story as it was all based around her and that one necklace. I also knew that I wanted the photograph to be dark- to give a depressing feel to it. 

I decided that I wanted my photograph to be portrait, focusing on the face, as I thought this would show more emotion, and you would get more of a sense of the exhaustion,worn out and ill feeling Madame Loisel had.

My friend 'Angelina' played the role of 'Madame Loisel'. Before taking the photos, I gave Angelina a makeover,  accentuating the bags under her eyes, and wrinkles, to represent how Madame Loisel felt after the 10 years of hard work paying back the necklace dept. 

This photo I took at more of a distance than the other ones. I think this photo is very effective but I would say the focus is more on her, rather than the necklace.

I messed around with the colour, and came up with this, I thought the blueish tint made it quite effective as I feel it gives off a very negative/gloomy/depressing feel.

After the Critique session, I gained a lot of feedback, which I found very helpful. 
They thought the photograph was successful, but would be improved if it was black and white, giving it more of an impact, and more sophistication. They also said that there isn't enough focus on the necklace, their eyes are naturally drawn to her, so maybe I should think about taking more of a close up photograph to give the necklace more importance and so it gives the audience a more direct message. But as an overall photo they thought it worked, and the fact that her eyes are shut caused an interest and made them wonder what she is looking at.

I took all the feedback into consideration and decided to work on more of the close up photographs that I took which focuses more on the necklace. I made them black and white as suggested.

The Necklace Project. 
September 2012.

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